
Finding Your Perfect Colors

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Finding Your Perfect Colors

When you start wearing makeup, it can be easy to get sidetracked with cool lip colors, glittery eye shadows, and a world of blush choices. However, not every color or sheen will work with your skin tone. For example, I have incredibly fair skin, and warm tones make me look like I have been playing in my mom's makeup. I want you to be able to look and feel your best, which is why this blog is dedicated to cosmetics and hygiene. After all, it might look easy, but makeup is a lot more difficult to apply than most people realize.


5 Ways To Limit Bruising After Botox

Following Botox treatments, bruising is possible. The bruising typically goes away after a few days. You can lower your risk of experiencing bruising by taking certain precautions before and after the treatment. Here are some tips for pre- and post-care. 

Avoid Blood Thinners

Blood thinners can increase the chances that you experience bruising after Botox treatments. Blood thinners can include over-the-counter medications, such as aspirin, vitamin E, and ibuprofen. Alcohol is also a blood thinner that should be avoided. You should avoid taking them in the week leading up to the treatment.  

If you do need a pain reliever during this period, stick to an acetaminophen. 

Talk to Your Doctor

Before you have the procedure, talk to your doctor about the look you are trying to achieve. Everyone has different expectations for the treatments, and by letting your doctor know exactly what you want, you can avoid any unnecessary treatments. The fewer injections you need, the less likely it is that you will experience bruising. 

You also need to be sure that your doctor is using a numbing cream before the injections. The use of a numbing cream helps to constrict blood vessels, which lowers the possibility of a bruise developing. The cream has to be applied before the Botox treatment, so arrive at least half an hour before your appointment. 

Apply an Ice Pack

After the procedure, pay close attention to your treatment area. At the first sign of bruising, immediately apply an ice pack. Ice helps to reduce inflammation and bruising. It can also provide you with relief if you are experiencing pain or itchiness, which can sometimes occur. 

Avoid Rubbing and Massaging

The amount of touching of your face should be very limited. When you apply pressure to the treatment area, you could potentially spread the Botox to other areas of your body. It is because of this, you should avoid any massaging or rubbing of your face. Your doctor will inform you of how long you should limit touching. 

Ask for Pulsed Dye Laser

In the event that you do experience bruising, contact your doctor and request pulsed dye laser treatment. The laser treatment focuses on targeting blood vessels in the affected area, which can reduce bruising. Your doctor might require you to wait a period of time before you can have the procedure. 

There are other steps you can take to limit the possibility of experiencing bruising. Talk to your doctor before the procedure for additional before and aftercare tips.